{ "rocket": { "id": "2c3ee835-d305-4011-ae4c-cebdb8a39053", "name": "Saturn 1b", "slug": "saturn-1b", "live": true, "description": "The **Saturn IB** was an American launch vehicle commissioned by the *National Aeronautics and Space Administration* (NASA) for the Apollo program. It replaced the S-IV second stage of the Saturn I with the much more powerful S-IVB, able to launch a partially fueled Apollo command and service module (CSM) or a fully fueled lunar module (LM) into low Earth orbit for early flight tests before the larger Saturn V needed for lunar flight was ready.", "used_for": "Apollo spacecraft development, Skylab crew launcher.", "manned": true, "status": "Retired", "built_by": [ { "name": "Chrysler Corporation", "link": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrysler_Corporation", "etc": "S-IB" }, { "name": "Douglas Aircraft Company", "link": "https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_Aircraft_Company", "etc": "S-IVB" } ], "built_for": [ { "name": "NASA", "link": "https://www.nasa.gov/", "etc": null } ], "project_cost": { "value": 0, "unit": "" }, "launch_cost": { "value": 0, "unit": "" }, "country": "USA", "first_launch": "1966-02-26T00:00:00+00:00", "last_launch": "1975-07-15T00:00:00+00:00", "launches": 9, "successes": 9, "failures": 0, "success_rate": 100, "height": { "value": 43.2, "unit": "m" }, "diameter": { "value": 6.61, "unit": "m" }, "mass": { "value": 589770, "unit": "kg" }, "payload": [ { "destination": null, "orbital_inclination": null, "mass": null } ], "stages": 2, "engines": [], "thrust": [], "specific_impulse": [], "burn_time": [], "fuel": [], "links": [], "images": { "vector": "/xplr/rockets/saturn-1b.svg", "silhouette": "/xplr/rockets/saturn-1b-silo.svg", "flag": "/xplr/flags/usa.svg", "launch": "/xplr/rockets/saturn-1b-launch.jpg", "etc": null, "height": 173 }, "cargo": null, "_version": 7 } }